How can I volunteer with Otley 2030?
There are many different ways to volunteer with Otley 2030:
Join a Working Group (see below for details)
Volunteer with organising an event, like the Festival of Kindness
Get elected to our Board of Trustees at the next AGM
Become a general volunteer helping with day-to-day running of the organisation - this could be in anything from updating our website to staffing on our pop-up stalls to becoming our treasurer - everybody has skills they can offer.
Please send us an email: hello@otley2030.com

Tell me more about the Working Groups

The Working Groups are free to meet as often as they like and to choose their own working structure. At least one member from each group will attend the bi-monthly General Volunteer meetings to give an update on the activity of their group and talk about opportunities for new volunteers to get involved.
Working groups established so far:
Otley Nature Network (ONN) - this group brings together all the local wildlife groups in Otley and also key stakeholders, (such as landowners and businesses) so that we can take a joined-up approach in tackling the biodiversity crisis. Sub-groups include Citizen Science, Wilder Gardens, Rewilding, and Biodiversity Audit. The ONN meets bi-monthly and, in 2021, helped organise the Bio-blitz at the East of Otley site, and the Chevin Discovery Day.
Education - Our education group also meets bi-monthly. In 2021, with funding from the Quakers, the education group was able to train two teachers from every Otley primary school in the Leeds Development Education Centre Climate Curriculum. Although a lot of focus has been on working with schools and younger people, the group are looking at education for all ages. If you work in education or have any experience of education and would like to get involved, please contact us.
Transport - This group looks at how we can decrease the carbon footprint of transport in Otley, and how we can increase opportunities for active travel. In 2021, the group secured funding for the Cycling Family Fun Day on Garnett's Field.
Energy - Looking at how we reduce the use of energy in our homes and commercial properties (as well as possibilities for Otley creating its own energy) our energy group worked with Solar for Schools to get panels installed on Otley Library and on a number of schools in the town.
Zero Waste - This group looks at how we can reduce, reuse, and recycle across the town, with the aim of getting as close as possible to being a 'zero waste town.'
Business - Working on strategies for businesses to reduce their carbon footprint and become more sustainable - if you're a business owner, or you work in an Otley business, then please get in touch.
If you have an idea for another Working Group, then please contact us to discuss.
How do volunteers interact?
At Otley 2030 we use Slack to communicate amongst our volunteers and members. Slack is a collaborative platform that allows teams to work together, using different channels to make sure work streams don't get confused. (See the image to the right for a list of Otley 2030 channels).
Slack is free to download and can be accessed on your computer, phone, or tablet. If you would like access to our Slack space, then please send an email, entitled "SLACK - Otley2030", to hello@otley2030.com and tell us what channels you would be interested in joining.
For those new to Slack, here are a few useful links:
Quick-start video - 1 min
How to video - 20 mins
Or, if you'd like a 10-minute tutorial from one of our members, then please ask when you send us an email to sign up and we'll arrange a time.